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Wishlist: Helps Convert Orders
Від Certified Code
Від $6.00/місяць

Wishlist: Helps Convert Orders

Від Certified Code
View your stores' product wishlists by members
1.5 (2)
Від $6.00/місяць

Огляд додатка Wishlist: Helps Convert Orders

    Effortless Wishlist Discovery: Streamline the process of viewing product wishlists for site owners by providing an intuitive interface to easily view members' wishlists
    Order Conversion Insights: Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and purchasing trends by analyzing wishlist data
    Real-time Updates: Stay informed with real-time notifications as members update their wishlists, allowing site owners to promptly respond to changing customer preferences
"Wishlist: Helps Convert Orders" is a powerful tool exclusively designed for site owners, enabling them to effortlessly view and gain insights from members' product wishlists. With a user-friendly interface, the app provides real-time updates, allowing for strategic decision-making to enhance product offerings, promotions, and ultimately boost order conversion rates. Stay ahead of customer preferences, optimize your store, and elevate the shopping experience with Wishlist.
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* Ціна в USD.

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