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Typerwriter Animation
Від UpCode Studios

Typerwriter Animation

Від UpCode Studios
Typing and backspacing animation for any strings
4.3 (3)

Огляд додатка Typerwriter Animation

    Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace what it's typed
    Set typing and backspacing speed
    Set a starting string that doesn't change with the typing animation
    Enter as many strings to animate as you want
Typewriting animation that immediately integrates with your theme and is fully customizable. Control typing speed, static starting string, and how many animated strings you need. You can infinitely scroll through your list of strings or you can have it scroll through them all and stop at the last one. Please note that to edit the font and color of the text, you need to double-click on the widget until you select the text box inside. To set a background, just select the widget itself and set a background color in the design panel.
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