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Trustpilot Reviews
Від Trustpilot
Є безкоштовний план

Trustpilot Reviews

Від Trustpilot
Collect verified reviews consumers trust
Є безкоштовний план

Огляд додатка Trustpilot Reviews

    Automatically trigger service review invitations to customers
    Grow on Google with verified reviews that count toward Google Seller Ratings
    Build a trusted brand with review content from real customers
    Authentic customer content helps drive your SEO ranking and increase site traffic
Trustpilot is an open-to-all review platform, where consumers are heard by businesses, and businesses build trust with consumers. Grow your business with genuine content that comes directly from the people who matter most—your customers. With Trustpilot's plugin, automatically invite your customers to review your business. Grow a trusted brand: Trustpilot is one of the world's most visited sites, powered by 70 million reviewers. This means business profiles frequently appear on the first page of search engines. Trustpilot stars signify to the world that people love your company and you love them right back. Increase conversion and grow revenue: Share reviews on all channels throughout the buyer journey to give consumers the confidence they need to buy. Showcase TrustBox widgets on key conversion points on your site. Use the Image Generator to display reviews in ad creative. Increase customer retention and LTV: Learn from trends in customer sentiment to optimize across product inventory, customer service, shipping, price, and more. Respond to reviews and prove you care about the customer experience. *Price may vary by country.
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
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Ціна й тарифні плани

Порівняти усі плани
План Free


Send 100 review invites/month
Feature 2 TrustBox widgets onsite
See basic performance reports
Get Google Seller Ratings
План Standard


Send 500 review invites/month
Feature 8 TrustBox widgets onsite
Learn from detailed analysis
Access to marketing assets
Порівняти усі плани* Ціна в USD, рахунок від Trustpilot. Ціна на сторінці оформлення може бути іншою через різницю в курсі валют.

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