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Smartarget Exit Popup
Від Smartarget
Необхідний преміумсайт

Smartarget Exit Popup

Від Smartarget
Keep customers longer on your website
3.0 (4)
Необхідний преміумсайт

Огляд додатка Smartarget Exit Popup

    Show a Popup to keep customers on your site for longer
    Promote a special discount or special items
    Exit Popup works on desktop devices only
    Customize the app to suit your website style
You spend a lot of time and money to bring customers to your website, with Exit Popup you can keep users on the website for longer and increase the chance that they will become a paid customer. Exit Popup recognizes when a customer is about to close the tab on their browser, when the mouse cursor is moving to the top area of the screen. This may mean that your potential customers didn’t find what they want. That doesn't have to be the case when you have a chance to show a popup message with a special discount or valuable information that might cause them to stay on your website. You don’t need to have any coding skills or help from developers to configure your popup and show it on your website. It takes only a few minutes to create the popup of your dreams. Exit Popup works on desktop devices only because it recognizes the mouse cursor movements which don't exist in mobile devices.
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
Мови додатка:
Вимоги до сайту:
- Преміумплан
- Підключений домен

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"Powered by Smartarget" message
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Порівняти усі плани* Ціна в USD, рахунок від Smartarget. Ціна на сторінці оформлення може бути іншою через різницю в курсі валют.

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