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OnVoard: AOV Progress Bar
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OnVoard: AOV Progress Bar

Від OnVoard
Increase average order value with progress bar
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Огляд додатка OnVoard: AOV Progress Bar

    Increase Average Order Value - Use progress bar to encourage customers to add more cart items.
    Multi-Tiers Discounting - Go beyond offering free shipping to your customers with multi tiers discounting.
    Customizable Styles - Customize progress bar style based on your store design.
What is AOV Progress Bar? When it comes to increasing your store's average order value (AOV), there's no better tool to use than AOV Progress Bar. AOV Progress Bar is an interactive progress bar that changes whenever customers add or remove items from cart. This motivates customers to subconsciously add more items to their cart in order to qualify for discounts. AOV Progress Bar VS Free Shipping Bar The key difference between AOV progress bar and free shipping bar is that progress bar provides visual indicators to motivate users to add more cart items. Multi Tiers Discounting Go beyond offering free shipping to your customers with multi tiers discounting. For example, you can configure discounting in the following manner: - Free Shipping if Cart Amount is greater than $50 - $10 Off if Cart Amount is greater than $100 Key Features - Rich text editor for CTA. You can set text color, bolding, italics, underline, etc. - Customizable progress bar. Change style based on your store design. - Inherit fonts from your store. Keep styles consistent with your brand. - Inline widget that doesn't clutter your page. - Multi-tiers discounting. - No powered by message.
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Порівняти усі плани* Ціна в USD, рахунок від OnVoard. Ціна на сторінці оформлення може бути іншою через різницю в курсі валют.

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