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OnVoard Email Marketing
Від OnVoard
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OnVoard Email Marketing

Від OnVoard
Email Marketing and Workflows Automation
4.4 (8)
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Огляд додатка OnVoard Email Marketing

    Email Editor: Our drag and drop email editor allows you to customize email designs for your store within minutes.
    Workflows Automation: Set and forget marketing to automatically grow revenue for your store while you are asleep
    Segmentation: More than 15 prebuilt segments to target the right audience
    Contact Profile: Know your customers and deliver relevant marketing message based on their recent activities.
OnVoard is an email marketing platform for ecommerce business. Merchants use OnVoard to generate more revenue for their stores with minimal work. Why choose OnVoard Email Marketing App? It goes without every single email marketing tool out there allows you to broadcast newsletter. However, the real money in ecommerce lies in flow automation. Flows like welcome series, winback, abandonment, helps bring in revenue multiple times of what you invested in our email marketing app. With OnVoard Email Marketing app, you get preset configurations for more than 15 types of workflows: - Checkout Abandonment - Cart Abandonment - Browse Abandonment - Low Stock - Price Drop - Replenishment - Back In Stock - Welcome Series - Winback - Post Purchase - Review Request - Post Reviewed - Review Replied - Negative Review Notification - Birthday - Customer Anniversary - Monthly Product Recommendations - Unengaged Cleanup
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
Мови додатка:
Весь контент додатку, який відображається на вашому сайту, можна перекласти на будь-яку мову.
Вимоги до сайту:
- Преміумплан
- Підключений домен

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Ціна й тарифні плани

Порівняти усі плани
План Basic


Up to 15,000 active contacts.
$1 per 1000 email sends.
План Essential


Up to 30,000 active contacts.
$1 per 1000 email sends.
План Pro


Up to 100,000 active contacts.
$1 per 1000 email sends.
План Enterprise


Unlimited contacts.
$1 per 1000 email sends.
Порівняти усі плани* Ціна в USD, рахунок від OnVoard. Ціна на сторінці оформлення може бути іншою через різницю в курсі валют.

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