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JivoChat Live Chat
Від JivoSite
Є безкоштовний план

JivoChat Live Chat

Від JivoSite
Best Communication Tool For Your E-Commerce
Є безкоштовний план

Огляд додатка JivoChat Live Chat

    Connect all of your communication channels and handle it from a single app
    Engage with your visitors in real-time and convert them to paying customers
    Manage your customers efficiently with in-app CRM as a team
    Offer calls to your visitors via live chat widget and/or connect your phone number to make/receive calls via Jivo
Jivo is an omnichannel business messenger that is designed for e-commerce websites. JivoChat lets you use one convenient platform to handle all of your clients' requests whether it is coming from live chat widget on your website, your social media accounts, your support e-mails or calls to your phone. Forget about using 100s of browser tabs or apps to manage your business communications. With its powerful CRM features, it lets you control your customer service better than ever; all communication history with your clients is in one place, you can progress-track your clients easily. Track your visitors in real-time and engage them at the right moment. With smart triggers, you can show them the right message at the right time to invite them to chat with you, a proven gesture just like you would approach them in your offline store. JivoChat also satisfies your phone needs. You can purchase phone numbers and connect your existing phone to make/receive calls from/to your Jivo app. The keyword is "one app to rule them all"! Try us for 14 days, you won't regret. Our support is 24/7 and the most helpful you can find around, so please don't hesitate to reach us.
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
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Ціна й тарифні плани

Цей додаток пропонує 14-денний безкоштовний період
Порівняти усі плани
План Basic


Up to 5 agents
2 months storage
Customization of the widget
Offline form
План Pro


Automatic Messages
Transfer chat between agents
File transfer and visitor's monitor
Quick phrases for the team
План Enterprise


Modules Included
Advanced Jivo features
Порівняти усі плани* Ціна в USD, рахунок від JivoSite. Ціна на сторінці оформлення може бути іншою через різницю в курсі валют.

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