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Estimated Shipping Date
Від Zendapps
Необхідний преміумсайт

Estimated Shipping Date

Від Zendapps
Show Estimated Shipping Date on the product page
2.8 (4)
Необхідний преміумсайт

Огляд додатка Estimated Shipping Date

    Present the estimated arrival date prominently on your product pages.
    Effortlessly choose the starting day and maximum delivery duration with simplicity.
    Multiple date formats to choose.
    Customize the template to your liking by utilizing various font styles, icons, text options, colors, and more.
The Estimate Shipping Date app offers multiple ways to present your delivery date message to customers, making your site more informative and user-friendly. Our app enables you to set specific delivery dates for each product, reducing customer inquiries and boosting conversions.
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
Мови додатка:
Вимоги до сайту:
- Преміумплан
- Підключений домен

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