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Clever: Google Ads & Shopping
Від Clever ecommerce
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Clever: Google Ads & Shopping

Від Clever ecommerce
Get Google Ads and Shopping feed!
Є безкоштовний план

Огляд додатка Clever: Google Ads & Shopping

    The types of Google Ads campaigns we create for you: Search, Display & Remarketing
    Get your Google Shopping feed and campaigns created with us!
    We provide you with a dashboard where you can track and manage your campaigns
    We create relevant keywords so your campaigns can have the highest performance
Clever ecommerce for Google Ads is an advanced software that allows you to easily create Google Ads campaigns with your store’s products. After a smooth installation process, you will have Google Ads campaigns promoting your products and getting more and more potential customers visiting your store. Why choose us? 1- We work side by side with Google, holding a badge that qualifies us as a Premier Google Partner. 2- Our user-friendly setup process and customer dashboard will help welcome you to the Google Ads world. 3- We create your Google Shopping feed with your products and create Shopping campaigns with them. 3- Adding new products to your store? Great! We will add those new products to your current campaigns. 4- You will be assigned to an Account Manager that will help you in case you have any questions or concerns. Don't wait any longer and get your Google Ads campaigns to promote your store now!
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Ціна й тарифні плани

Порівняти усі плани
План Basic


Keyword Generation
Google Search Campaigns creation
Google Display Campaigns creation
Remarketing Campaigns creation
План Silver


Manage up to 500 products
Unlimited Variants
Google Merchant Feed creation
Google Shopping campaigns creation
План Gold


Manage up to 1000 products
Unlimited variants
Google Merchant Feed creation
Google Shopping campaigns creation
План Platinum


Manage +1001 products
Unlimited variants
Google Merchant Feed creation
Google Shopping campaigns creation
Порівняти усі плани* Ціна в USD, рахунок від Clever ecommerce. Ціна на сторінці оформлення може бути іншою через різницю в курсі валют.

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