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MigrationPro - Store Migration

Import products, customers, orders and etc.
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Огляд додатка «MigrationPro - Store Migration»

Simple Migration Setup: 5-minute setup, 3 easy steps to start store migration
Demo First: Start store migration and instantly review migrated data on new store
Sales Stay Active: Migrate without downtime. Keep your current store on business
Proactive Support: Immediate get support from store migration expert
If you're looking for a reliable and easy migration solution for your business, the MigrationPro fast store migration app is the perfect choice. It allows you to transfer essential store data while preserving your store's SEO and integrity. The process is intuitive and automated, making it easy to use! 1. Connect your store 2. Select the data you want to migrate 3. Start the migration process The app supports migration from various platforms, including Shopify, Etsy, Magento, PrestaShop, Squarespace, BigCommerce, WIX, BigCartel, CS-Cart, OpenCart, WooCommerce, and more. It also allows you to import various data, such as: Products Customers Orders Product Categories Product Variants Product Images Coupons Blog Posts Custom Fields and more, depending on your platform. To get started with MigrationPro, you can choose the Free Plan and experience the smoothness and effectiveness of the migration process.
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Середня оцінка: 5.0

Відгуків: 2

Dirtfarmerindustri/ Feb 26, 2025
Easy Migration from EtsyAs an Etsy seller setting up my own Wix site, I didn't know what to look for to import my listings to my site. The Wix App Market hosts over a dozen migration...
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Pebblescrazycrystals/ Sep 20, 2024
Very useful and customer service is promptI have over 850 listings on my Etsy store. Their store migration software is easy to perform. The demo is great and allows you to see first hand how their process works. Migrating...
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Ціна й тарифні плани

Порівняти усі плани
План Free Migration

Free up to 20 entities

Our Free Demo Migration service lets you migrate up to 20 entities free of charge, including products, categories, customers, orders, and more. This showcases our capabilities and ensures that our solution meets your needs before committing to a paid plan.
План Full Store Migration

Pay as you go

The price depends on the number of entities migrated. Starts from $29+
* Ціна вказана у USD, рахунок виставлено компанією MigrationPro.

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