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SMS Alert

Send Automatic SMS To Customers
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Безкоштовний пробний період 5 дн.

Огляд додатка «SMS Alert»

A store owner can send now marketing SMS to multiple customers at a time
Supports popular SMS Gateway ( Twilio )
Admin can create SMS templates for different events
The SMS Alert App allows the store owner to send SMS notifications to their customers of placing new orders and also, provide order status notifications to the customers. Also, the admin can send the “Transactional Text Messages” to the customers. An admin creates a message of his choice for marketing purposes. Notifications via SMS are the most effective form of customer service. When existing customers receive customer service texts, they are more likely to respond to future promotional texts that add value to your business.
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Ціна й тарифні плани

Цей додаток пропонує безкоштовний 5‑денний пробний період
План Business Plan


Unlimited event trigger
TAT 12 hrs
Support through ticket system
* Ціна вказана у USD.

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