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Business Hours

Keep customers informed w schedule opening hours
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Огляд додатка «Business Hours»

Manage and display your store hours easily using the Open Hours Widget
Create a mobile-friendly widget to display store hours—no coding required
Choose between 12-hour or 24-hour time formats and customize the first day of the week
Add teaser displays in strategic positions to grab customer attention
Effortlessly showcase your store’s hours with the Open Hours Widget. Choose between list or pop-up displays to present your hours clearly and adapt to any time zone, all without coding. Select 12-hour or 24-hour formats, customize the starting day of the week, and adjust language and day formats for your audience. With teaser displays and flexible positioning, keep your hours visible at crucial points along the customer journey. The mobile-optimized design ensures your hours look great on any device, creating an engaging, seamless experience. The Open Hours Widget lets merchants display accurate, time zone-specific hours with ease. Flexible time and day formats, customizable styles, teaser options, and multilingual support make managing and showcasing hours simple, enhancing the shopping experience on all devices.
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