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Listing & Map
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Listing & Map

Visualize your locations on a map and listing
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Огляд додатка «Listing & Map»

Interactive map and listing
Multiple map styles to choose from
Address searches with the geocode search box
Elevate your website with our app that offers dual location showcasing on a map and in a listing. Engage your audience with an interactive map, image galleries, and rich text for each location. You can also upload and download locations data with a CSV file. Immerse yourself in the app firsthand by exploring our interactive demo site. * Please be advised that this app may involve additional costs. A Mapbox token is essential for app operation, and users are accountable for any expenses incurred while utilizing the third-party service.
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Оцінки й відгуки

Цей додаток ще не має відгуків. Залиште перший.

Ціна й тарифні плани

План Basic


20 locations
Limited panel options
Multiple map styles
Import and export CSV file
План Starter


200 locations
Full panel options
Multiple map styles
Import and export CSV file
План Pro


1000 locations
Full panel options
Multiple map styles
Import and export CSV file
* Ціна вказана у USD.

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