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AptBook : Appointment Booking logo

AptBook : Appointment Booking

AptBook: Simplify online bookings your business
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Огляд додатка «AptBook : Appointment Booking»

Create appointments with customizable slot on your calendar
Add your staff as team members for taking multiple bookings
Add Zoom URL and Google Meet Link to Connect for online meetings
Booking an Appointment: You schedule the video call by selecting a time slot
AptBook : Appointment Booking is a business tool that allows your customers to book appointments online. Your customers can easily select service, date & time to book appointment. Its most fit for all type of service businesses, consultations, shopping, spa visits, events, workshops, rentals, and more., and all type of maintenance & repair service provider companies to get bookings online without any hassles. its an automated online booking tool for businesses having lots of features.
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Ціна й тарифні плани

План Basic


1 Product / Service
Add 1 team member
Unlimited Bookings
No Cancel & Reschedule


Unlimited Product / Service
Unlimited Bookings
Add Zoom URL and Google Meet Link
Add unlimited team members
* Ціна вказана у USD.

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