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UPS Shipping Rates
Від Pavel Web Design LLC
10 дн. безкоштовно

UPS Shipping Rates

Від Pavel Web Design LLC
UPS Live Shipping Rates
4.0 (2)
10 дн. безкоштовно

Огляд додатка UPS Shipping Rates

    Get UPS live shipping rates in the shopping cart of the Stores
    UPS rates for shipping from world-wide locations
    Uses UPS REST API in the back-end
    The app does not print the shipping labels
The app displays UPS live shipping rates in the shopping cart of the Stores. "UPS Rates" dashboard has helpful links to enable and setup the app correctly. The dashboard is accessible from "Apps" in the left-side site admin menu. In the dashboard you can set different shipping options, including the preferred box size, and markup or discount. If you have discounted (negotiated) rates with UPS, you can use your own UPS account number.
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
Мови додатка:
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Середня оцінка

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Ціна й тарифні плани

Цей додаток пропонує 10-денний безкоштовний період
План Standard


UPS live shipping rates
* Ціна в USD.

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