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Monitor Your Competitor Price On Autopilot
Поки що немає відгуків
Є безкоштовний план

Огляд додатка «Pricefy»

Monitor any competitors
Auto-match your products
Easy Analysis
Craft your own alerts
#Sell smart and stay on top of your competitors Check their prices every day and adapt your pricing strategy to offer a better price to your customers . #Monitor any kind of competitor Pricefy permits you to monitor any kind of competitor with just a click thanks to our patent pending technology #Import your competitors in batch If you use an excel file to track your competitors you can import them using our batch import feature. #Advanced repricing rules (Pro Version Only) Automate your repricing process using our powerful repricing rules #Automatch products on marketplace (Pro Version Only) Pricefy will automatically search and match your products with your competitors ones on Amazon, eBay and price search engine like Pricerunner and PriceSpy. #Daily reports Stay always updated about your competitors even when you are away from your desk. Pricefy can send you useful updated by email, slack and many other channels.
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Ціна й тарифні плани

План Basic


План Starter


Up to 100 products
Unlimited competitors
Price updates 2 twice per day
Excel/eMail Reports
План Pro


Up to 5000 products
Unlimited competitors
Marketplace Analysis
Price updates 2 twice per day
План Business


Up to 15000 products
Unlimited competitors
Marketplace Analysis
Price updates 2 twice per day
* Ціна вказана у USD.

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