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PayPal Button
Є безкоштовний план

PayPal Button

Easily accept payments with a PayPal button
Є безкоштовний план

Огляд додатка PayPal Button

    Get paid faster and accept simple one-time payments, subscriptions, donations, or installments with Affirm, Klarna & AfterPay
    Offer multiple payment methods via PayPal, credit cards and Buy Now Pay Later via Stripe, or accept cash and checks offline
    Collect payments in over 100 currencies worldwide
    Add shipping and tax costs + create discount codes for checkout
The PayPal Button is the easiest way to add and accept custom payment buttons to your site to make checkout seamless for your visitors. **POWR doesn't charge transaction fees; you can even accept offline payments. Accept one-time payments, donations, installment payments, or subscription payments in over 100 currencies with PayPal and Stripe. Great if you sell products, services, memberships, or digital products. Add shipping and tax costs so that everything is automatically calculated at checkout. The checkout process is simple: Connect to PayPal or Stripe for credit card payments. Create discount codes to offer your customers a percentage off or free shipping at checkout. You can also give customers a free trial of a subscription. Design autoresponder emails to send to customers after completing their payment. Accepting donations is easy. A secure payment button allows visitors to choose the amount they want to donate, or you can choose fixed options. PayPal Button has pre-built templates and a flexible design that matches your site. It can be customized with custom colors, borders, payment icons, button fonts, and text.
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
Мови додатка:
Весь контент додатку, який відображається на вашому сайту, можна перекласти на будь-яку мову.

Середня оцінка

(На основі відгуків)
Сортувати відгуки () за

Ціна й тарифні плани

План Basic


25 transactions /mo
2 payment methods
1 account admin
Recurring subscriptions
План Starter


50 transactions/mo
3 payment methods
Remove POWR branding/watermark
Discount codes/redirect after payment
План Pro Plus


500 transactions/mo
Add trial period + setup fees
Custom auto payment success email
Live chat + 24/7 email support
План Business


Unlimited transactions/mo
Unlimited pricing variables & options
Unlimited account admins + discounts
Custom CSS and JS
* Ціна в USD.

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