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Cart Recovery
Від MarketPushApps
Є безкоштовний план

Cart Recovery

Від MarketPushApps
SMS, WhatsApp, FB - Abandoned Cart Automation
Є безкоштовний план

Огляд додатка Cart Recovery

    Recover lost sales with automated messages. Send SMS, WhatsApp or Facebook messages to customers that abandoned a cart on your Store.
    Add on your website a "subscribe to SMS/WhatsApp/Facebook" popup that will enable customers to receive notifications from to your Store.
    Customize the SMS/WhatsApp/Facebook messages that will be sent to your subscribers, as well as the times these messages should be sent in order to maximize conversions.
    Monitor & track the recovered lost sales and the impact this app will have on your cash flow.
A lot of times customers start orders on your store but never finalize them. The reasons for why this happens are plenty, ranging from more questions about the products to having difficulties while purchasing on a mobile phone. MarketPush Cart Recovery is an app that enables you to automate the recovery of abandoned carts with the use of SMS, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. It aims to increase your store sales by sending reminders to customers that did not check out their order. The reminders contain a direct payment link for the previously lost order. Here's how it works: - You need to add your phone number or connect your Facebook Page to the app. - The app provides a customizable popup that is shown on your website which encourages visitors to subscribe to notifications from your Store. - The popup appears when Add to Cart is clicked or on Exit-Intent (when customers leave your site without adding anything to the cart). - Any visitor that subscribed to the notifications, but didn't finalize the order, will receive SMS, WhatsApp or Facebook messages within the next 24 hours that will remind them of the forgotten order.
Доступно:Цей додаток доступний у всьому світі.
Мови додатка:
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Ціна й тарифні плани

План Free


3 Cart Recovery Attempts
No Exit-Intent popup trigger
SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Recovery
Advanced Cashflow Stats
План Hobby


15 Cart Recovery Attempts
Show subscribe popup on Exit-Intent
SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Recovery
Advanced Cashflow Stats
План Merchant


40 Cart Recovery Attempts
Show subscribe popup on Exit-Intent
SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Recovery
Advanced Cashflow Stats
План Mogul


120 Cart Recovery Attempts
Show subscribe popup on Exit-Intent
SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Recovery
Advanced Cashflow Stats
* Ціна в USD.

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