Somos uma agencia com mais de 15 anos de projetos brilhantes. O que nos diferencia dos outros ummmm.... somos simplemente geniais, com um gosto soberbo pela qualidade e imagem, respiramos marketing, uma... boa autoestima, dentro de uma equipa jovem e multicultural.
Deixe-esse levar por nossa equipa creativa e tenha um site único... vamos
Somos una agencia com mas de 15 anos de experiencia lo que nos distingue de los demás ummmm ... somos simplemente brillantes, con un excelente gusto por la calidad y la imagen, respiramos marketing, buena autoestima, dentro de un equipo joven y multicultural.
Déjese liderar por nuestro equipo creativo y tenga un sitio web único ... vamos
We are an agency with more than 15 years of experience which distinguishes us from the others ummmm ... we are simply brilliant, with an excellent taste for quality and image, we breathe marketing, good self-esteem, within a young and multicultural team.
Let yourself be led by our creative team and have a unique website ... let's go
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Від950 $
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Від690 $
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Stefon was amazing during this process of setting up my new website! He was patient and precise. Stefon went over each step of the process thoroughly with me too ensure it’s was what I wanted and needed.... He also explained in detail what I would be receiving with each service the site provides. I would recommend Stefon 10/10 times to anyone who may need his services!
We used Stefon for a very, very, very basic website. His communication was excellent but we honestly we felt his price was very high for what was involved timewise on his end and we felt his design expertise... was very basic. For that reason we lowered our recommendation. For another more complicated site we decided to do it in-house, discovering small details that Stefan had either overlooked or perhaps we did not communicate we needed - but then that's why we hired a pro - to get recommendations. . For example, we later went back into the site and added social media links at both the top and bottom, added navigation to the bottom, and added black frames around photos to make them stand out more.
Stefon was very helpful. Answered all of my questions. I was very confused about my wix bookings mailbox and he was able to walk me through everything....
Stefon was nice to work with, and his fee was perfect for my budget. I appreciated his willingness to work with a few technical problems regarding the payment system with my country....
Надана послуга: Оновлення сайту
Відповідь професіонала
Thank you Maya. It was great working with you. You are truly a genuine person and I am happy that I could help you! Take Care :)...